The general data protection regulation activities on these websites.

On this page you find description about how personal data are treated in this online application.

  1. E-mail address is used as the user account identifier.
  2. All personal data and further data provided via the user account (logged user) activities are maintained along with the user account data as long as the user account does exist. The data are removed along with the user account removal.
  3. There are maintained only operational data for the user account run and services related to the user account existence.
  4. User account is possible to terminate after login and/or on demand addressed to the aplication supplier.

Martin Modl, Kojetická 611, 250 65 Bašť, IČ: 72458470
Firma je zaregistrována u OŽÚ v Brandýse nad Labem, č.j: 45042/2015-Hro/70.

Martin Modl © 2024